Kendall and Kylie Madden Girl Nordstrom Downtown Seattle

 As we were waiting to see the Kendall and Kylie, a lady by the name of Lindsay (awesome, sweet lady), had informed us that the wait was no longer and that they had "LEGS FOR DAYS". TRUUUU. They were beautiful girls on the outside and from talking to everyone else they were just as beautiful on the inside.

Seeing and being in the same vicinity as the Jenner sisters for the first time felt like sleeping on clouds. For years, Kendall Jenner was BAE and she never even realized it. As I shouted out, "KENDALL YOU'RE BAE!" she turned around and blew me kisses. Just kidding, I really did shout that out and she really did blow kisses though.
I was a little disappointed I didn't get a signed picture of them. Although, I didn't end up being one of the few lucky people to get a signed picture it ended up being worthwhile. I am so glad to have ran into Lindsay again because she was really friendly and nice enough to ask me how the experience went and I told her I was happy but sad I did not get the chance to give them these presents I bought for them. She ended up telling me that she could try to pass it along to them and even ripped a piece of paper out of her planner to let me give them a note with it. What a day.

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